A Great Big Thank You!

Opening a clinic requires immense dedication, hard work, and support from various organizations. We would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the organizations that have helped us open our clinic. Without their support, our journey would have been much more challenging. Their contribution has been instrumental in turning our vision into a reality, and we are forever grateful.

Their financial support has alleviated the burden of startup costs and allowed us to focus on delivering quality care to our community. Their expertise and guidance have given us the confidence to navigate the complex healthcare landscape successfully. The resources they provided have equipped us with the necessary tools to deliver efficient and effective healthcare services. And lastly, their networking opportunities have connected us with healthcare professionals and community leaders, further strengthening our position within the community.

As we embark on this new endeavor, we are confident that with the continued support of organizations and the community, our clinic will thrive and make a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. Your support keeps us going. Thank you to all the organizations that have made this possible! We can’t thank you enough!

Sincerely, The Staff

National Abortion Federation

Abortion Care Network

Personal PAC

GoFundMe Midwest Reproductive Freedom Fighters Contributors

Duane Morris, LLP

Feminist Majority National Clinic Access Project

Resources for Abortion Delivery

Latitude Consultants, LLC

Illinois Governor’s Office

Reproductive Health Access Project

ACLU of Illinois


Illinois State Representative

Bridgeforth PAGC LLC